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Deadliest Sea is the True Story of a fishing vessel that capsized in a Perfect Storm in the Bearing Sea in the early 80's. Only two members of the crew survived when they abandoned ship, and then by some cruel twist of fate the ship righted itself and sailed back into the Kodiak Alaska harbor as a Ghost Ship three days later. I Wrote and Directed the film which was a huge logistical challenge on a small budget. The movie was rewarded with nominations for 5 GEMINI AWARDS; 

Best Picture (Karen Wookey - Producer)

Best Director (TJ Scott)

Best Actor (Peter Outerbridge)

Best Supporting Actor (Greg Bryk)

Best Production Designer (Jacques Bradette)

The cast also included, Sebastian Pigott, Joanne Boland, Kris Holden-Ried, Eugene Clark, Ryan Blackely, Daniel Kash